
Warframe Archwing Waffen In Normal Mission

Kuva Liches are tough, but killing them tin earn you some of the best weapons in the game. Since you tin can preview which weapon you lot'll become from a Kuva Larvling if you lot let them to get a full Lich, information technology'south helpful to know what to aim for. Even if you already take a better version of a Kuva weapon, you tin can always trade your Lich to someone else. Whilst most of the Kuva weapons are above average, hither'south a list of the best choices.

5. Kuva Twin Stubbas

The Stubba is a archetype Grineer weapon, but in this case, two is definitely better than simply one. The Kuva Stubba is a secondary weapon composed of dual submachine guns, which should immediately give y'all an idea of why information technology's on this list. Dealing high slash and bear on damage with each hitting, the Kuva Stubba shreds through shields and health, but aren't so smashing with armor – though this tin can exist compensated for with the right additional elemental impairment blazon, adamant past which Warframe you lot utilise to impale the Larva that becomes your Lich.

The Kuva Stubba boasts both a high critical chance and very loftier status chance, calculation to its damage potential and allowing it to be built for both – though condition is preferable, as the disquisitional multiplier isn't anything special. As expected of a dual gun weapon, it has a loftier fire rate and magazine size, to compensate for its low ammo economy.

Whilst not the fastest firing weapon, the Kuva Stubbas have a decent fire speed, giving you lot all the more than chances to set up off status effects. The main downside is that it has a relatively tedious reload speed, so be mindful of that when y'all're firing into the oncoming hoards.

Equally with other dual guns, these are definitely non precision instruments.hilst they have pretty high accuracy, the recoil is enough to set y'all off target, so don't expect to be sharpshooting with these.

What the Kuva Twin Stubba Excel In:

  • Dissentious health and shields
  • High burn charge per unit and status gamble make them good at delivering status effects

Kuva Twin Stubbas details

4. Kuva Ogris

The Kuva Ogris, like the original, is a rock launcher. Unlike virtually rocket launchers, the Kuva Ogris fires more than like a semi-automated, without the typical accuse up fourth dimension. This makes it very fun to utilise, but its high base harm also makes it an excellent choice of primary.

The Kuva Ogris deals primarily blast impairment, and has an extremely high status chance, and then mod builds should focus on this. This combines nicely with the boosted status furnishings from the Kuva Lich. There is also a guaranteed impact proc on direct hits, making this weapon also potentially effective against shields.

It can also brand use of the Ogris-exclusive modern 'Nightwatch Napalm', dropped past Kela De Thaym, the dominate found on Merrow, Sedna. 'Nightmare Napalm' creates a pocket of burn down effectually the area of affect, dealing estrus impairment, with regular harm ticks, giving ample opportunity for status effects.

The master thing to exist enlightened of is timing your shots properly since you will be staggered if y'all're defenseless in a nail and not immune to this effect. Rockets tin also be shot down by enemies, but given the rate of the fire of this rocket launcher, that is unlikely to be a meaning issue. Reload is tedious though, and this weapon isn't built with ammo efficiency in mind, so it's probably a good idea to take a skillful melee or secondary as backup.

What the Kuva Ogris Excels In:

  • Dealing high volumes of blast damage – bang-up against Fossilized Infested and Machinery
  • High condition chance
  • Firing rockets whilst sprinting

Kuva Ogris details

3. Kuva Nukor

In terms of secondary weapons, the Kuva Nukor is i of the best in the game. The Nukor blasts out microwave-similar beams that deal radiation damage. If inflicted with the radiations condition, enemies can become confused and start to set on allies, making this a keen status type both from a fun and utility perspective. The Kuva Nukor ups the base Nukor'south disquisitional multiplier and condition chance, allowing for more damage and more chances for radiation-based fun. Add to this the microwave outcome – unique to the Nukors, this will cause the office of the enemy hit to become larger. As a beam weapon, the Kuva Nukor has pinpoint accurateness, though the pulsing effects tin can make it a fleck harder to aim for headshots. That being said, if you do manage to get a headshot, you will increase the size of the head, making information technology easier for y'all and anybody else – if your target still lives, of form.

Another thing that the Kuva variant has over the original Nukor is the ability for its beam to concatenation to 2 enemies within range of the initial target, dealing half the chief beam'due south damage. This is great for increasing the weapon's damage efficiency for dealing with clustered groups since yous can effectively double its damage output.

Equally a beam weapon, the Kuva Nukor fires continuously, using upwards ammo per impairment tick. The damage increases over a short fourth dimension, reaching 100% at 0.6 seconds. If not firing for 0.eight seconds, this will decay back down again. This means it's all-time to keep firing the axle for great harm efficiency, every bit long equally you lot tin can manage your ammo properly.

What the Kuva Nukor Excels In:

  • High radiations damage
  • Chaining damage
  • High accuracy

Kuva Nukor details

2. Kuva Bramma

Bows are typically silent and precise, and so naturally, the Grinner adhere bombs to the arrows and make a loud, explosive weapon out of one. Dissimilar most bows, the Kuva Bramma is not made for stealth but easily makes up for this with its impairment output. It has the highest base damage of all the bows in the game and has the second fastest accuse speed. On top of that, information technology has a high innate critical and status chance, so it can do good from both critical and status focused builds, though benefits nearly from a combination.

An arrow fired from the Kuva Bramma produces an explosion at the site of bear upon, dealing blast damage, then deposits cluster bombs for further damage. Pressing the Alternating Burn down primal allows you lot to detonate the arrow mid-flight, giving you lot boosted command over where y'all want that explosion. This is of import since the blast can stagger you, though this can be avoided through the right Warframe setup or ability apply – for example, Trinity'southward status transferring 'Link'.

The but actually notable downside of the Kuva Bramma is that it uses sniper ammo, which is relatively rare, and only restores one ammo unit per pickup. It's best to utilise this weapon on large groups of enemies to use that loftier volume of explosive damage to its maximum potential. Of class, yous tin can utilize mods like 'Arrow Mutation' to use other types of ammo, making a mockery of this consequence.

What the Kuva Bramma Excels In:

  • Dealing high volumes of blast damage – great against Fossilized Infested and Mechanism
  • Able to utilize bow mods, including 'Thunderbolt', which adds blast damage
  • Dealing both critical and condition damage

Kuva Bramma details

1. Kuva Zarr

Ah, the Zarr. When it was first added to the game, the original Zarr became a fast favorite of mine. It'southward a mitt cannon. Information technology shoots cannonballs, dealing blast damage. And if things got too close for that to exist practical its alt-fire avalanche fashion functions similar a shotgun - chipping away at armor and shields with puncture and impact impairment. A versatile cannon. That's wonderful. But over time the Zarr'south damage potential has been outstripped by other options, and and then it'southward fallen out of favor.

Enter the Kuva Zarr. Currently one of the all-time primary weapons in the game, the Kuva Zarr is a big upgrade. The Zarr e'er had loftier disquisitional damage, but the Kuva Zarr enhances the potential damage by upping both the critical and status chance. The Kuva Zarr'due south cannon way boasts superior damage, burn down rate, and explosion radius, whilst the barrage mode is more accurate and has no range cap.

The canon modes' initial hit and explosion deal status separately, and the avalanche mode has innate punch through and multi-shot, making this weapon nifty at spreading status and critical based harm. The cannon is as well extremely accurate, and mods that decrease accurateness for other benefits tin can be happily placed on the Zarr with relatively little issue.

Yous should know that the barrage mode of the Kuva Zarr is innately lower harm output than the base Zarr. However, it is affected by the elemental Lich bonus – if that's higher than 29%, the damage output volition be higher than the base Zarr'south. Given the base of operations impairment is 25-60%, the odds are very much in the Kuva Zarr'due south favor!

The Kuva Zarr's main disadvantage is its small magazine size, tedious reload speed, and depression ammo chapters. Reloading is done one cannonball at a time, and then this tin be interrupted and done at more opportune moments, and you should kill enough things that the ammo drops are plenty. Like the Kuva Bramma, yous can stun yourself if y'all get caught up in your explosion's radius, merely this is avoidable with practice or with the correct Warframe setup. Overall, these are small prices to pay for the ridiculous damage potential of the Kuva Zarr.

What the Kuva Zarr Excels In:

  • Dealing loftier volumes of smash damage – dandy against Fossilized Infested and Machinery
  • Dealing damage at a range and close upward through the dissimilar modes
  • Dealing both critical and status damage

​Kuva Zarr details

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